
Beatriz Roldan Cuenya
Beatriz Roldan Cuenya
Gerard Meijer
Martin Wolf
Karsten Reuter

Science News

Advancing Catalysis Research: Essential Data Practices for Future Scientific Success
Researchers from the Department of Inorganic Chemistry at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society have made a groundbreaking advancement in the field of data management for catalysis research. Their latest study, “Advancing catalysis research through FAIR data principles implemented in a local data infrastructure – a case study of an automated test reactor” published in the prestigious journal Catalysis Science & Technology, explores the transformative power of FAIR data principles in scientific research.
When ions go hiking: New Insights into Solvation Kinetics at Electrocatalyst Surfaces
The Interface Science Department of the Fritz- Haber Institute has made additional strides toward "Exploring Dynamic Solvation Kinetics at Electrocatalyst Surfaces," as detailed in their article in the prestigious journal Nature Communications. Among other reactions, the researcher focused on the ion solvation kinetics when evolving green hydrogen and when oxidizing green ammonia, two key chemicals in the green energy transitions. These findings are important because they help us better understand the pathways that electrolyte ions take on their way toward solid surfaces. Knowing the valleys and mountains and the number of trails that the ion is encountering is crucial for developing more efficient batteries and electrolyzers or to fight corrosion. Imagine, we could follow and even control the ion’s hiking trail to create more eco-friendly, durable and powerful energy sources – these new insights bring us closer to that goal.
Breakthrough Study Unveils Key Steps for Turning CO2 into Valuable Chemicals
A groundbreaking study by the Interface Science Department at the Fritz Haber Institute and the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia has been published in the prestigious journal Nature Energy. The paper, entitled „Key intermediates and Cu active sites for CO2 electroreduction to ethylene and ethanol," takes advantage of advanced spectroscopic methods and theory to shed light on the intricate processes involved in converting carbon dioxide (CO2) into valuable chemicals like ethylene and ethanol. This research holds significant promise for advancing sustainable practices in the chemical industry.

Institute News

In Memoriam: Professor Dr. Alexander M. Bradshaw (1944-2024) 
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Professor Alexander M. Bradshaw, a distinguished former director of the Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max Planck Society, on Thursday, October 10, 2024.
Dr. Andrea Martini Receives SILS Young Scientist Award 2024
We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Andrea Martini, a post-doc in the Operando Hard X-ray Spectroscopy group led by Dr. Janis Timoshenko at the Interface Science Department of the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, has been honored with the prestigious SILS Young Scientist Award 2024.
Challenges on the Renewable Energy Storage Conference
The Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, in collaboration with the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, successfully hosted the second edition of the "Challenges on the Renewable Energy Storage" conference. Held from September 1st to 4th, 2024, at the picturesque Liblice Castle in the Czech Republic, the event gathered nearly 50 leading experts in catalysis and electrocatalysis from around the globe.
Dr. Melanie Müller Awarded Prestigious ERC Starting Grant
Dr. Melanie Müller, a distinguished researcher from Germany, has been awarded a prestigious ERC Starting Grant for her groundbreaking project entitled „Ultrafast atomic-scale imaging and control of nonequilibrium phenomena in quantum materials". The grant, amounting to €1.5 million over five years, will support her innovative research, by funding experimental equipment and supporting the recruitment of new PostDoc and PhD researchers.

Current Information

Open Positions

Further job positions can be found also here.

Upcoming Events

Hydrogen/Deuterium 1S-3S spectroscopy and beyond

MP Department Seminar
Oct 25, 2024 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM (Local Time Germany)
Building K, Haber-Villa, Faradayweg 8, 14195 Berlin, Room: Seminar Room

From BIG-Data to HOT-Extreme-Properties of High-Entropy Carbides, Carbo-Nitrides and Borides

NOMAD Laboratory
Oct 29, 2024 10:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
Building T, Room: 0.18/0.19

Special MP Department Seminar

Special MP Department Seminar
Oct 29, 2024 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM (Local Time Germany)
FHI library (building A), Room: Seminar Room

Ordered organic monolayers on silicon

ISC Department Seminar
Oct 30, 2024 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
Building M, Richard-Willstätter-Haus, Faradayweg 10, 14195 Berlin, Room: Seminar Room
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